This Week in Ruma

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From the editor

I'm back from my vacation to Montreal and Quebec City (which are lovely and you should visit) and working on Ruma again! Although development this past week was hindered a bit by another round of breaking changes to the Rust compiler's libsyntax crate, which affects Ruma's use of serde and diesel, there have been a few changes to Ruma and some movement on the Matrix specification.

For anyone interested in following This Week in Ruma regularly, it is now available via an Atom feed.

Notable changes to ruma

Matrix at large

There has been a bunch of activity on the spec recently. It appears that the Matrix team is preparing for a stable 1.0 release of the client-server API spec. A branch I worked on for the spec landing page of the specification was also merged. Those changes improve the organization of the information to make several things clearer to first-time readers.