This Week in Ruma

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From the editor

Progress on the Ruma homeserver has slowed a bit while we wait for the next version of the Matrix specification to be published. There have been some significant changes to Synapse (the reference implementation homeserver) and Riot (the flagship Matrix client) that are not yet reflected in the spec, and as such, releasing an initial version of Ruma would not be of much value since it could have significant breakage with Riot.

Progress on ruma-api, ruma-client-api, and ruma-client continues, however. We're pushing ahead on one of the new API designs (codenamed "Ralith" after the community member of the same name, whose ideas it is based on) and it's working well so far. You can see the in-progress changes to ruma-api, the in-progress changes to ruma-client-api, and the in-progress changes to ruma-client that we're using to test out this new design. Further review and comments on these changes are welcome!

Notable changes to ruma

Notable changes to ruma-identifiers

New contributors

Call for participation

Interested in getting involved with Ruma? Here are some good places to start:

Previously featured and still available:

There are also plenty of API endpoints that still need to be implemented. Check the status document for a list.